Entries by user

Despite Corona crisis: property prices continue to rise significantly

The pandemic is leaving no traces on the market for single and two-family houses and condominiums. Rents, however, remain stable. Even the Corona crisis cannot stop the price increase for private homes. In Frankfurt property prices have risen considerably during the corona crisis in Germany. The price increase for single-family and two-family houses continues unchanged. […]

Leipzig’s real estate market is booming like never before!

In Leipzig, land sales and real estate sales last year have been higher than ever since registrations in 1990. With 3.4 billion euros, sales had reached a peak. In total, almost 7,000 purchases were made. At 76 percent, condominiums were at the forefront – 11 percent more than in the previous year. In contrast, there […]

Tips for your property inspection

The first impression counts! Think of a well-groomed appearance and a polite manner so the seller can remember you well and you leave a positive impression. Be truthful about yourself. At the latest when buying, details will be visible anyway. Poor preparation can be a disadvantage. Find out as much as possible beforehand, because this […]

Might the owners be forced to sell vacant properties soon?

The industrial union Construction-Agriculture-Environment demands that real estate that has been vacant for at least three years has to be offered for sale. Policy instead of expropriation. Speculation and abandoned building plots cannot be afforded by the current housing shortage and housing shortage throughout Germany. As a result, the Industrial Union plans to make it […]

Real estate prices will not drop for now

Real estate prices could be leaving out in 2020 despite the continuing real estate boom. Although dropping prices on the market are still unlikely this year, the price level should now develop more slowly, according to building loan agency Interhyp. Consumer’s tolerance limit defines the ultimate price level. The real estate market should increasingly calm […]

Maintenance or Modernization ?

Low property rate and non-informed tenants After Switzerland, Germany is the country with the lowest property rate with 53 percent in Europe, far behind countries like Sweden, Belgium and even France. As a result, the percentage of tenants is quite high making it increasingly difficult to find an affordable apartment, which also increases the power […]

Real Estate boom continues – but Real Estate prices are rising slightly less rapidly

Real Estate prices in German cities continue to grow – but more slowly than before. Especially the rents are rising with particular lower rate. Rents in major German metropolises have risen by 2.5 percent. According to the Bundesbank, the boom on the real estate market continued last year. However, prices rose less sharply – especially […]

3 facts you need to know about smoke detectors

Smoke detectors must be installed in all living rooms and bedrooms except in the kitchen and bathroom. The owners or landlords are responsible for the installation of smoke detectors. However the maintenance obligation can be delegated to the tenant by contract. But: the owners or landlords still remain under liability. It has to be ensured […]

Rental price brake in Lower Saxony declared invalid

Lower Saxony has to improve and re-adopt the rent brake three years after it comes into force. The Hanover District Court has declared the law to be ineffective. The reason is a simple formal error. According to the Ministry of Construction, the correction will take at least six months. Farewell and justification must coincide The […]

Real estate ownership plays a vital role in wealth

The Germans are getting richer. According to a study, property ownership in particular increases wealth considerably. According to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research, the population aged 17 and over had almost 103,000 euros in 2017. This means that individual assets have climbed an average of 22 percent since 2012. Unequal distribution […]