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How to reduce the amount of money by the buying a real estate purchase

Rising prices make a real estate purchase more and more expensive. Especially with regard to the purchase price buyers can rarely expect a discount due to high demand. The situation is much better for ancillary costs. What many do not know: above all, a lot of money can be saved when it comes to notary […]

How to save money if you buy a property with a notary public

Save money on mortgage debt and also on conveyances of property. 1. The notary public records certificate of mortagege debs for the bank. This allows you to seize the property in case if the buyer becomes insolvent. In most cases, however, an authentication of the draft land charge is also enough. It is considerably cheaper […]

Real estate boom splits Germany into poor and rich

For a long time Germany was considered a country where houses are barely more expensive. The real estate hype since the 1990s was elsewhere: in the US, UK or Spain. But this decade, German apartments and houses suddenly become more expensive. Researchers are now finding that this drastically increases the differences between rich and poor. […]

Low interest rates continue to drive the real estate market

According to industry experts, the upward trend on the German real estate market, which has been in place for ten years, is still intact. “Real estate prices and rents have reached their highest levels in almost all types of use,” says a study by the KPMG auditors and the real estate academy IREBS at the […]

Property tax reform until the end of 2019

The federal and state governments have agreed on certain cornerstones for a new regulation of property tax. Against the currently favored value-dependent model, in which the age of buildings and the average rental costs are the basis of assessment, comes now from Bavaria resistance, where a surface model is required. The amendment until the end […]

That’s what Berliners think about the expropriation of the housing companies

According to a representative Forsa survey for the newspaper, 35 percent consider expropriations to be “fundamentally sensible”. In January, the proponents were in the majority. A Berlin initiative is currently collecting signatures to apply for a referendum. It requires companies with more than 3000 apartments to be “socialized” against compensation. Source: bz-berlin.de Image: pixabay.com

Munich: Samsung leases 8,000 square meters in the Bavaria Tower

Bayern Projekt GmbH was able to win the global group Samsung as another anchor tenant for the Bavaria Tower, which it developed. After completion of the space, the South Korean technology giant will successively move to around 8,000 square meters in the Sky Tower, which will serve as the new European headquarters after completion of […]

Big plans for Halles Marketplace

Greening of the market place According to initial plans, the area around the Handel statue could be planted. In the past, turf was repeatedly laid around the statue. The administration could imagine trees in the area of ​​the Commerzbank and in front of the townhouse as well as in front of the Handel statue. Since […]

Worth knowing: Halle in numbers

Did you know…?! Halle has a total area of ​​135 km² and is divided into 95 districts. The more than 241,000 inhabitants can use about 14% of the total area for pure relaxation. Over 5 km² in Halle are public green areas and parks. The forest area in Halle is, among other things thanks to […]

These are the 10 most expensive cities in Germany

1st place goes unchallenged to Munich. The price per m² in the first quarter of 2018 was an average of € 17.57. Rents in Frankfurt am Main are considerably more moderate than in Munich. The average here was € 13.90 per m². This is followed closely by Stuttgart, which at 13.48 € per m² is […]