How to save money if you buy a property with a notary public
Save money on mortgage debt and also on conveyances of property.
1. The notary public records certificate of mortagege debs for the bank. This allows you to seize the property in case if the buyer becomes insolvent. In most cases, however, an authentication of the draft land charge is also enough. It is considerably cheaper than the notarial deed.
2. The notary usually enters a preliminary notice of conveyance of property in the land register. This ensures that the seller cannot access the property between the sale and the registration in cadastre
Within family, friends and acquaintances you can do without it and save these costs.
Deduct notary costs from tax
3. in addition to the above tips which you can deduct the notary costs from the tax. However, this is only possible if the property generates income, such as rental income. Then you can deduct the fees as income-related costs.
Source: focus.de
Picture: Pixabay.com